Monday, March 11, 2019

How did the Jewish Community go from champions of peace & justice to promoters of war and hatred? How did Jews go from being the best friends of blacks to the suppressors of black voices? A tragic question that needs to be raised.

I don't get it. I grew up thinking of Jews as a conscientious people, the People of the Holocaust. I associated Jews with fight for civil liberties. During the McCarthy Era, communists and fellow-travelers were blacklisted, and Jews led the charge in defense of civil liberties and constitutional rights. But today, we see Jewish power acting worse than Joe McCarthy. Jewish Power uses whore-politicians to criminalize BDS movement, which is a call for justice for Palestinians living under Zionist tyranny.
Also, during the McCarthy Era, Jews sounded the alarm on the anti-Russian hysteria, the Red Scare that began with the Rosenbergs and Morton Sobell passing atomic secrets to the USSR. Jews back then said Americans should calm down and not overreact to communist infiltration. But now, Jews are pushing the ludicrous hysteria about Russian Collusion. It is so batshit crazy that true progressives like Jimmy Dore laugh at it.

How did Jews, a people who stood against hysteria and demagoguery, turn into a people who are now using their media monopoly to spread hysteria about Russia, especially when Russia wants good relations with the West(unlike during the Cold War when it occupied all of Eastern Europe)? Imagine the lunacy. Jews, who'd once opposed McCarthyism, now support the blacklisting of advocates of Palestinian Rights(and the BDS movement which is like the 1980s movement to boycott Apartheid South Africa).
What the hell happened to Jews? I grew up admiring them more than any other people. After all, they suffered the Holocaust and understood what it was like to be oppressed and murdered. And Jews played a key role in the Civil Rights Movement. And they were among the top leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution that smashed the old order and created a new one based on Marxism and Leninism. And Jews also were among the most vociferous supporters of Maoism and the Chinese struggle for independence.

But of late, Jews are working against civil liberties. Just consider the Palestinian-American woman who was fired from her job and blacklisted because of Zionist-backed law that says Americans must support the Zionist oppression of Palestinians or else be fired.
So, in order for anyone to work for the US government, he or she must sign a pledge to support the Zionist oppression and mass murder of Palestinians. The Palestinian-American teacher in Texas simply could not submit herself to such humiliation. Her people are living under Zionist tyranny, and yet the US now tells her that she must support Zionist tyranny of her own people if she is to have a job. Jews expect her to be an 'uncle tom'. Are we living in a democracy or in a Zionist gangster state that leaves us no choice but to support Apartheid in the West Bank? An offer we can't refuse. (And lets keep in mind that Palestine was wiped off the map in the Nakba Pogroms of 1948, something that hardly went mentioned last year in the Jewish-dominated mass media even though 2018 was the 70th anniversary of the great tragedy.) The anti-BDS laws are spreading like wildfire in both Red States and Blue States. It's as if politicians of both parties have one thing in common if not much else: Total servility to AIPAC and Zionist supremacism. They bicker about a host of issues but they are united in the support of Zionist occupation of West Bank and massacres of innocent women and children in Gaza. New York and Texas may be worlds apart but the governors of both states are total shills of Zionist tyrants and terrorists.

Another reason why I admired Jews was their intellectualism, independent streak, and the audacity to be different, ask tough questions, and explore new ideas that go against the grain. Then, one would think Jews would be supportive of first-rate black artists and thinkers who dare to ponder new possibilities and raise questions neglected by mainstream media and academia. After all, many prominent Jewish thinkers and activists began as radicals, mavericks, and contrarians.
And yet, when black dissident writers and artists display any independent streak and ask inconvenient questions, the Jewish media machine shifts into full gear to slur, defame, and insult such individuals. Consider the article below about recent concerted efforts by Jewish Power to destroy the reputation of black Free Thinkers who refuse to read from the mainstream script. Jewish power finds such blacks to be uppity. They must be forced back onto the plantation. According to Jewish Power, all blacks should be like Oprah or Will Smith. Just smile and play along. After all, what are black pets like Oprah and Smith but the richest mammy and richest chauffeur to the Jewish oligarchs who really control the media? They made a lot of money but have no independence of mind and just play along to the Power.

But what is most alarming about recent Jewish power is it's gone into genocidal mode. This is shocking because many of us grew up sympathizing with Jews as the Holocaust People, a noble race that suffered so much under the Nazis. But what has happened since then? Have Jews become like the New Nazis? Just look at IDF death squads mowing down women and children in Gaza. Just look how Madeline Albright said it was okay to murder 500,000 Iraqi children. Just consider how Jews like Victoria Nuland recruited Neo-Nazis in Ukraine to pull off a coup. Today, Ukraine is ruled by Jews allied with Neo-Nazis. How the hell did that happen?

Now, all decent people can agree that ISIS is truly a vile murderous organization. Any sane person would support the secular Arab regime of Assad to lunatics like ISIS and Alqaeda. And yet, Jewish Power in the US has been working with Saudis and others to send terrorists into Syria to tear that nation apart. The result is 500,000 dead and entire cities ruined. Syria now looks like Europe after WWII. How and why did Jews become like this? How did a people who suffered a genocide become so supportive of wars that have destroyed so many lives? And, let's recall that it was French Jews who spearheaded the campaign to topple Gaddafi in Libya. The result is a ruined nation. Libya was once the nicest nation in Africa. After Jewish shills Obama and Hillary got through with it, it is a failed state and it even has open-air market for slaves. And Jewish neocons were the main drivers of the WMD conspiracy-theory(in collusion with mass media owned by Jewish oligarchs) that led to the terrible Iraq disaster.

Finally, what kind of democracy are we living in when a man of honor and courage like Marc Lamont Hill is fired and blacklisted because of his moral concern for Palestinians? Again, the US is not a democracy but a Zionist gangster state, and it is especially tragic because Jews were once rightfully admired as champions of civil liberty, anti-imperialism, and anti-war movements. But now, powerful Jewish oligarchs in media and finance use whore-politicians to shut down debate, silence dissident voices, get people fired and blacklisted for ideology, spread mass hysteria(mostly about Russia but also about Iran, a nation that has no nukes, whereas Israel has 300 nukes aimed at Iran and allows on international investigations of its nuclear program), and push for more Wars for Israel.
Also, as someone who lived through the final yrs of the Cold War, I was happy to see it end, allowing for a new dawn of peace. But how did Jewish power destroy that peace? It looted the Russian economy, and when Russia regained national sovereignty from Jewish globalists plunderers, it decided to start a 'new cold war' to punish Russia for liberating itself from Jewish finance-capitalist-globalism.

Jews used to be the voice of sanity, peace, freedom, and justice. Now, Jewish Power is the bludgeon that silences dissident voices, spreads paranoia & hysteria(about Russia and Iran), murders Palestinians, promotes hatred(against Syria and anti-war activists), and insists on more Wars for Israel, apparently on the basis that any number of goy lives are expendable if it serves the interests of Zionism and Jewish supremacism around the world.

This madness must end.

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