Monday, December 10, 2018

Academic Silence on the firing of Marc Hill by Zionist Supremacist CNN is totally shameful. Are we living in a democracy of justice or a slave state?

Academic Silence on the firing of Marc Hill by Zionist Supremacist CNN is totally shameful. Are we living in a democracy of justice or a slave state?

It's shameful that there is silence, nothing but silence, in the Temple University community over the firing of Marc Lamont Hill by CNN. Why was he fired? It wasn't because of his hatred of Jews. He doesn't hate Jewish people or any people. It was because of his love of justice. Justice for Palestinians, a people whose plight goes unaddressed by most of the world because the US, the sole superpower, is ruled by Zionist Jewish Supremacists. Now, it'd be crazy to say all Jews support Zionist Jewish Supremacism. There are many decent Jews who are appalled by what is going on in the Middle East. There is Max Blumenthal and Philip Weiss. And Glenn Greenwald and Norman Finkelstein. There are many Jews in the BDS movement. But the sad reality is that most of the media is not controlled by these decent Jews but by Zionist Jewish Supremacists whose worldview is essentially neo-Nazi. They don't care about equality or justice but All Power to the Tribe. They are so sick that they even support real Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Victoria Nuland the Neocon was sent to Ukraine(by Obama, the sorry puppet of Zionist Jewish Supremacists and Wall Street) to recruit Neo-Nazis to bring down a democratically elected government.
This shit never ends. Eisenhower destroyed democratic regimes in Guatemala and Iran. Johnson sent US military to kill millions in Vietnam. Nixon used CIA to bring down Allende in Chile. Bill Clinton and Madeline Albright holocausted 500,000 Iraqi kids. Bush and Cheney, under advice of Jewish Neocons, cooked up bogus WMD lies to wreck Iraq. Obama, a shill of Zionist Jewish Supremacists, destroyed Libya and Syria. The War on Terror soon became War with Terror, what with the US and its allies(esp Saudi Arabia) aiding Alqaeda and ISIS to bring down Assad, a secular modernizer in the Middle East. And Trump takes his orders from the Zionist freak Sheldon Adelson who urges the US to drop a nuke on Iran even though Iran has no nukes whereas the Judeo-Nazi state of Israel has 300 nukes(and even shipped nuke technology to South Africa during Apartheid yrs). The US is a sick evil nation no matter which party rules because both parties take money and orders from Zionist Jewish Supremacists. Decent Jews like Norman Finkelstein tried to call out on Zionist hatred and terror, but the Jewish Lobby had him railroaded from the Academia.

And the courageous and honorable Steven Salaita the Palestinian activist-scholar was denied his position at University of Illinois because he expressed outrage over the mass-murder of Palestinians by IDF death squads. Decent Jew(by birth) Brother Nathanael explains it all here:

Jews shut everyone down, be they black, Palestinian, white Christian, Iranian, Russian, etc, on the basis of 'hate speech', but it's just a weasel play. After all, who gets to decide what is 'hate speech'? The powerful does. Since Zionist Jewish Supremacists have the power in the US, they get to decide what is 'hate'. So, when Zionists promote hate against Russia, Iran, Syria, Palestinians, Christians, and etc, it's not hate but 'free speech'. But when anyone dares to notice Jewish corruption & abuses and Israel oppression of Palestinians, that is defamed as 'hate speech' or 'antisemitism'. This is all the more perverse because the most Nazi-like people in the world today are Zionist Jewish Supremacists. In the particular, Nazis are German Imperialists of the WWII period. But in a general sense, a 'nazi' is anyone who acts nazi-like. And who acts most nazi-like today? Just ask the Palestinians. Zionist Imperialists act most Nazi-like. They shoot Palestinian women and children who want to return home. Professor Hill is right. 2018 is the 70th anniversary of the NAKBA POGROMS that wiped Palestine off the map, from river to the sea. And when Palestinians who'd been expelled and their children want to return to their homeland, the terrorist state of Israel sends IDF death squads to mow down women and children. And because most internet platforms are controlled by Zionist Jewish Supremacists, anyone who dares to call out on Jewish supremacist evil and express sympathy for Palestinians are being denied payment service and being deplatformed. Just ask Ryan Dawson, a long-time Palestinian advocate.

Jewish supremacists bitch about terrorism, but Israel was founded on terrorism. Indeed, Zionists pioneered modern terrorism. Also, many Zionist leaders had close ties with Nazism:

And it turns out the ADL, so-called Anti-Defamation League, got its start by defending a Jewish rapist-murderer and trying to frame an innocent black man.

Now, when it comes to the Holocaust, I see it as one of the all-time great tragedies. And decent Jews learned the lesson of "Don't treat others like Nazis treated us." But decent Jews like Finkelstein and Philip Weiss don't control America. America is ruled by evil Zionist Jewish Supremacists whose modus operandi is "We Jews get to act like Nazis, and there's nothing you can do about it because we control all finance, media, and deep state." At the core of Zionist Jewish Supremacism is the rule of "Is it good for the Jews?" Even though Jews are only 2% of US population and a small fraction of the world population, these Judeo-Nazis believe that world affairs must be shaped to serve Jewish power, Jewish megalomania, and Jewish supremacism. Just ask the Palestinians. They had nothing to do with WWI, Communism, or WWII or Globalist Imperialism, but such an innocent people lost their homeland because Jews wanted it as theirs. And Jews used their influence in UK, US, and USSR to ensure that Jews would defeat the Arabs in 1948. We've been told that the 1967 Six Day War was about tiny Israel defending itself from Arab aggressors, but that is just a Judeo-Nazi lie spread by Zionist Jewish Supremacist Media. Israel attacked first to grab land. They took West Bank that is now under Zio-Apatheid and Golan Heights. Trump, the puppet of Zionists, is saying Israel can keep Golan forever. New York Times has Thomas Friedman, a Zionist monster of such evil proportions that he even supports the deranged ISIS in Syria because harming Assad's regime is good for Israel. Imagine that. Jews pretend to be 'liberal' but they would rather support extreme Muslim Jihadis against a secular modern Arab like Assad for petty tribal interests. As far as Zionists are concerned, secular modern Arabs are a bigger danger to Israel than are the ragtag Muslim Jihadis who want to turn back the clock to the Middle Ages. And Madeline Albright now bitches about the fascism of Trump but she thought it was WORTH IT to murder 500,000 Iraqi kids. And even though Jewish supremacists bitch endlessly about 'nazis', they are more than willing to work with real neo-Nazis in Ukraine because both share common interest in being Anti-Russian. (Why do Jews hate Russia? In the 90s, Jewish oligarchs raped the Russian economy. Handful of Russian Jews, with help of Harvard Jews, looted the economy and grabbed just about everything. But Putin came along and restored some measure of national autonomy, and Jews have been furious at Russia's nationalist resistance against Jewish supremacist globalism ever since. Even though it is the Jews who've been meddling in the affairs of every nation, they bitch that Russia meddled in US elections. LOL. Talk about projection.) And of course, Soros raked his billions by money-changing. He makes big bucks while billions of suffer all around the world. And who is the biggest donor to the GOP party? Republicans call themselves pro-family-values, but their contributions come from Las Vegas moguls who addict hapless Americans to the mind-drug of gambling, which is really mass theft via industrialization of vice.

We are living in surreal times. In 2008, Obama was attacked for being friends with former terrorist Bill Ayers. And in 2016, Trump was attacked for being endorsed by former KKK David Duke. But NO ONE asked Obama about his support from Zionist Jewish Supremacists. No one asked Trump about taking money from Adelson, the psychopath Zionist who wants to nuke other nations. The biggest Hate in the America is by Jewish Supremacists. Jewish Power has been the #1 mass killer since the end of the Cold War. Jewish economic rape of Russia killed millions of Russians. Bill Clinton took orders from Jews who advised him to strangle Iraq with sanctions that killed 100,000s of people. Zionist mass murder of Palestinians has continued unabated. Jewish Neocons were the force behind the Iraq War that may have killed up to a million people. Obama and Hillary, under the thumb of their Jewish donors, took out Libya, the most successful African nation. Why? Gaddafi was working on a currency independent of the dollar.

And Obama and Hillary worked with Saudis to destroy Syria. If not for Russia and Iran, Syria would have fallen like Libya and it'd be a hell hole. Also, Jewish control of Mass Media and whore politicians means that Americans are brainwashed to hate any people or nation hated by Jews. Majority of Americans hate Palestinians because Jews hate them. Jews use media to spread anti-Arab message. I grew up watching movies made by Jewish Hollywood that presented Arabs as nothing but subhuman terrorists. Jewish Hollywood's depiction of Arabs was even worse than Nazi propaganda against Jews. One movie called RULES OF ENGAGEMENT even called for wiping out entire populations of Arabs.

If one wonders why so many Americans supported the crazy wars in the Middle East, it's due to Jewish Hollywood's Hate Campaign and dehumanization of 'muzzies'. Today, Hollywood is busy making Hate Movies against Russia.

As for 9/11, that wasn't carried out by Palestinians, Iranians, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, and etc. It was ironically carried out by Saudis, the very people the US has been closest too. US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia worked together to build up extreme Arab terrorists to use against Russia, Iran, and secular Arab modernizers during the Cold War. What happened in 9/11 was that the very monster that the CIA created came back to bite America in the ass. It's like a master training a dog to be vicious but getting bit. But did the US blame Saudi Arabia or Israel? Or itself? No, the US, under Jewish control, cooked up bogus lies about WMD to destroy Iraq, a nation that had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Why? It was on the premise of "Is it good for Israel?" Jews want any rival power to be destroyed in the Middle East and North Africa. And the Jewish-controlled US is totally cynical about democracy. It recruited neo-nazis in Ukraine to take down a democratically elected government. US totally supported the Egyptian military's bloody overthrow of the democratically elected government. Just like Nixon took out Allende in Chile. From Eisenhower to Obama, it's the same old song. US talks the talk but never walks the walk of real human rights.

Now, progressives deserve credit for condemning CIA and Kissinger's move against Allende, but notice the utter silence about Obama's administrations support of coups in Ukraine and Egypt. Jews hate Russia, so they were willing to arm neo-Nazis in Ukraine. And Jews feared a democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt, so they ordered Obama to support the coup. And now, Trump does nothing about Saudi Arabia on the basis of "Is it good for Israel?" Everything must revolve around Jewish Supremacist interests.

When we compare the fates of Obama and Marc Hill, the message of Jewish Power is clear. The message is, "if you do our bidding, we will shower you with $60 million book contracts and give you $500,000 per speech." I hear Obama is on the way of becoming a billionaire. All he has to do is go before Jewish supremacist organizations in Hollywood, Harvard, Wall Street, and etc. and give empty speeches as an empty suit. He did their bidding. He bailed out Jewish gangsters on Wall Street. He increased the 'aid' to Israel from $3 billion a year to $4.8 billion. He was silent about Zionist takeover of more West Bank territories. He said nothing while Israel rained down bombs on Gaza and killed 1,000s. He was sheepish like a hapless dog before barking Netanyahu. And he took out Libya and aided terrorists in Syria. He took down the pro-Russian government in Ukraine and replaced it with Jewish puppets. And he forced sanctions on Russia. So, Jews value his service as a loyal dog. And they are gonna make him rich. Thus, Jews send a message to all would-be uncle toms: "If you do our bidding, we will shower you with bling."

In contrast, a man like Marc Hill refuses to take the 30 pieces of silver. He sees what is happening with Palestinians. He also knows that New York Jews have been working with Zionist Jews to create a police state. Just as Zionist goons heavily police Palestinians in West Bank, the New York Police have been trained by Israelis to police blacks in NY the same way. Zionist Bloomberg ran NY for three terms, and his policy of Stop-and-Frisk was aimed at blacks. So, Marc Hill understands that what is being done to Palestinians is like what is being done to blacks in NY by Jewish oligarchs who own and rule the city. So, blacks need to wake up. Blacks need to understand that the Jewish attack on BDS is really Jewish attack on blacks(and any other people who resist imperialism and police state policies). Because Marc Hill refused to take his 30 pieces of silver and play uncle tom, the Zionist-owned CNN decided to fire him and send a message to all blacks, "If you won't be a shuffling uncle tom and kiss Zionist ass, you will be sent down the river." But Jews did the same to Helen Thomas and Rick Sanchez. Helen Thomas simply said that European Jewish Imperialists should return home(just like British imperialists left India and French imperialists left Vietnam and Algeria). Just like Indian nationalism, Vietnamese nationalism, and Algerian nationalism sought liberation from European Imperialism, Palestinian nationalism seeks liberation from Zionist imperialism. But she was fired, and most of her colleagues remained silent out of fear or craven loyalty to Jewish supremacists. And what did Rick Sanchez say? He merely stated the obvious that the US media are controlled by the 2%. We have a funny democracy in the US when Jews, who are 2% of the population, control over 90% of media and when 50% of top pundits and opinion-makers are Jews. What kind of democracy is that? Imagine if Arab-Americans had control of 90% of media and controlled 50% of all pundit positions. It'd be an outrage. Rick Sanchez stated the obvious, and he got fired and blacklisted more severely than any Soviet Spy in the McCarthy Era. He can't get a real gig in the media anymore. But more people are beginning to realize the power of Jewish media and internet monopoly. Whether it's Cornel West on the Black Left or Ann Coulter on the White Right, they are realizing that the basic formula of US media is "Thou shall not offend Jewish supremacism". - At least this will put an end to the "Jews-control-the-media" slander.

Rick Sanchez was right to speak truth to Jewish Power. Granted, White Hispanics also tend to be full of shit. Is there anything more offensive than White Hispanics & Latinos pretending to be 'people of color'? They were the first Europeans to conquer the New World. They spread diseases that wiped out 55 million of the original 60 million. They committed mass rape that created the mestizo race. They imported 12x the slaves that North America did. Brazil alone took in 3 million slaves whereas US took in 300,000. (Biggest slave owners in Brazil were Jews.) And even now, despite all this BS about Latin America being a colorblind society, most Latin nations have white elites on top, mixed raced people in the middle, and indigenous brown people on the very bottom. If anything, the white Latinos used race-mixing as an imperialist strategy to weaken indigenous identity. So many mestizos are confused because they are not sure if they're white or native. So, whenever Latin Whites celebrate Diversity, it is a disgusting spectacle. How was Diversity created in the New World? It is the product of imperialism, conquest, genocide, slave trade, mass rape, and endless waves of immigration-imperialism. In the US, why were the American Indians wiped off their lands? Because endless immigration brought over all these Europeans and Jews. They moves westward and wiped out Indians and took the land. And Jewish immigrants sold guns to cowboys to kill Indians with. And Chinese immigrants laid down railroads that hastened the white conquest of every last bit of Indian territory. Immigration-imperialism led to total destruction of American Indians.
Latin Whites race-mixed in South America like US soldiers did in Vietnam. US soldiers occupied Vietnam and used yellow women there as prostitutes and mistresses. South Vietnam became a sexual colony of the US. The #1 profession of women there was prostitution of race-mixing with US imperialists that saw Vietnam as just a cunt-nation. Likewise, brown native women were reduced to being sexual property of Spanish and Portuguese conquerors. Mestizo is the product of the biggest rape in human history.

Another thing. Why are even non-whites in 'Latin America' called 'Hispanic'? Why are blacks in 'Latin America' also called 'Hispanic'? The fact is native indigenous folks in South America and Central America had histories and cultures going back 10,000 yrs before the Latin Imperialists arrived from Europe. And yet, their true identity has been wiped clean, and they must go by the name of 'Hispanic'. At least in the US, we don't call American Indians and blacks 'Anglo' simply because they came under Anglo power and speak English. But in 'Latin America', even non-whites are called 'Latino' and 'Hispanic' as if they don't have deeper roots and original identities prior to the invasion by Latin European Imperialist-rapists. So, when Latin Whites come to the US and pretend to be People of Color and demand Affirmative Action(that should really only go to blacks and American Indians), it is a sickening sight to behold.

Anyway, this is the 70th anniversary of Nakba. Because of the Jewish supremacist control of media and US politics, no one talks about it. If anything, ADL and AIPAC are pressuring whore-politicians to shut down BDS everywhere. Now, I can understand why politicians and journalists act this way. Politicians are little more than puppets of big money. And journalists are hired by private corporations, mostly owned by Jews. So, if they say the wrong thing, they will end up like Helen Thomas and Rick Sanchez. But academics, esp those with tenure, are supposed to be courageous and speak the truth regardless of the price. But after the firing of Marc Hill by Jewish Supremacist CNN, why is there such silence among the faculty at Temple and other universities? Are they such craven cowards too?

Every political promise is being destroyed by Zionist influence. Bush Jr. ran on 'humble foreign policy', but he was a war-monger controlled by Zionists. Obama ran on taking on Wall Street and ending Middle East wars. But, the first thing he did was shovel trillions at Wall Street and he spread more wars in Middle East and North Africa, and even messed up Ukraine. Trump ran on peace with Russia, ending war in Syria, and pulling out of Afghanistan. But, under Zionist pressure, he got deeper in Afghanistan, still hasn't pulled out of Syria, and made things worse with Russia.

Jewish Supremacists hate the idea of peace among US, Russia, Syria, Iran, China, and etc. If Jews hate something, we must also hate it. As far as Jews are concerned, we shouldn't have any agency. We must be like dogs before a master. So, if Jews hate Palestinians, we must hate Palestinians. If Jews hate Russia, we must hate Russia. If Jews hate Iran, we must hate Iran. If Jews hate Syria, we must hate Syria. And if you go along with the dictates of Jewish hatred, you get showered with lots of prizes, like what Hillary, Obama, McCain, and Paul Ryan got. But if you don't play along with the script, you get the Helen Thomas or Marc Hill treatment. CNN surely hired Hill with the expectation that he'd be a useful tool against Trump. CNN thought it could control him like a dog. But Hill criticized not only Trump but the bigger forces behind American Power, that of Jewish Supremacist Power, and that is a no-no. He got too uppity, and we know Jews hate uppity blacks, uppity Palestinians, uppity Russians, uppity Iranians, uppity white Christians, uppity anti-globalists of any kind. Be a good dog, and Jewish Power will give you lots of doggy biscuits like what Obama and Paul Ryan got. But if you refuse to play fetch and roll over, you will be sent to the pound.

It is about time academics showed some balls and spoke truth against Jewish supremacist power.

ROGER WATERS on Facebook pleading for human rights for Palestinians:

A note from Roger to UK Pink Floyd Experience:

I am aghast to see you have plans to perform in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Be’er Sheba on 4th 5th 6th January. Please don’t do it.

To sing my songs in front of segregated audiences in Israel, and contribute to the cultural whitewashing of the racist and apartheid government of that country, would be an act of unconscionable malice and disrespect. 

David Power, Bobby Harrison, Mike Bollard, Rick Benbow, Francesco Borrelli....

Have you never actually listened to the work that you perform to make a living?

The people you intend to entertain are executing their neighbor's children, shooting them down in cold blood every day.

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